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About Us

Clinical Research Sites Subject Find

SubjectFind was built by former study team members FOR sites to provide a better way to find and recruit patients for clinical studies. CRO and Sponsor methodologies generally consist of a one-size-fits-all out-of-touch-with-actual-subjects approach to sites and subject recruiting for sites. StudyFinder was built from the community-site perspective to get life-changing therapies into the hands of underrepresented communities, by using real-world methodologies and vernacular—not MBA speak.

SubjectFind is a minority-woman owned organization focused on connecting underrepresented and medically-underserved communities to the right study opportunities. As an ethnic marketing firm, we are culturally competent and multilingual.

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Our Approach

We leverage the power of AI to assist (not replace) the human component in identifying the best potential subjects. We are not trying to be everything to everyone; instead, we do ONE THING and do it very well—use social media to generate the best leads for sites.

Other companies use a blanket approach and advertise to everyone (regardless of whether they qualify), or they use tone-deaf “corporate” marketing approaches that talk down to or around potential subjects. We produce higher-quality, surgically-focused leads more likely to qualify for your studies—saving you time and helping you hit enrollment goals and faster.

We do the work of multiple recruiting coordinators, but at a fraction of the cost. We provide “warm leads”—people who have an interest in participating. This way, your site does not have to make a prolonged sales pitch to people only interested in kicking the tires, and ultimately provides for better subject retention.

Case Studies


Question: How does a community site in a sleepy town of 65,000 people in the Midwest out-enroll 80% of study sites—sites who are in bigger population hubs and better-funded--on a recent respiratory study? (And this after the sponsor paid for an expensive central marketing campaign that was a total bust…)

Answer: SubjectFind
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How does a site in a non-ethnically diverse area hit and exceed diversity enrollment goals on a vaccine study?

Answer: SubjectFind
We were able to hit our enrollment goals earlier and beat bigger institutional centers, saving us time and thousands of dollars. Thank you!
Tamisha H.
Study Coordinator

We help with your unique situation.

We double Your study enrollment and diversity goals.
Hit and exceed your study enrollment and diversity goals.

Our Guarantee

We guarantee we’ll be the best subject recruiting platform you’ve ever used, or it’s free.
Are you ready to ditch the worn-out, low-return-on-investment methods of study subject recruitment?

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